Frequently asked questions.

why haven’t i heard back from you?

I respond to website submissions within 24 hours. If you haven’t received my response, please check your spam folder. Alternatively, you can contact me on any of my social media accounts or send a text message to 0417 494 742.

IS a deposit required?

A 20% non-refundable deposit is required to secure your session date & time. This amount is deducted from the package price.

When is the remaining amount due by?

The remaining amount for lifestyle sessions is due 7 days before the session date. For weddings and elopements, the balance is due 14 days before.

can you offer a payment plan?

No worries at all! Everyone deserves to have their memories captured. We can organise a payment plan from when you secure your booking to a week before your session is to be captured.

For weddings and elopements, I always suggest breaking the payments up to make it more manageable and less stressful.

How long will it take to receive our gallery?

I aim to have a sneak peek to you within 24-48 hours. Below outlines the wait time for full gallery selection for specific session types -
~ Lifestyle: 2-4 weeks - Family, Motherhood, Maternity, Newborn, Couples & Creative
~ Weddings & Elopements: 6-8 weeks.